Wouldn't change the fact that Darren campbell is a pathetic individual who has ruined countless lives by promising people he can help them build brands on amazon and reach financial freedom when in reality 99% fail becuase the mentorship is terrible and they encourage people to get into heavy debt knowing the odds of success are tiny. Hidden costs of thousands of pounds required to launch and then tens of thousands required to pay for stock shipping and marketing, video, ppc amzon listings, . No one signing up is made aware of all of this. They slowly bleed you dry at each stage charging 3 or 4 times the normal cost for services you can get on fiverr at a fraction of the cost. If you have to steal a living making peoples lives miserable like Darren and his useless crew then you should be ashamed. Jealousy has nothing to do with it, exposing the truth has. Legal threats to hide the truth won't work any more. honest reviews now mean people can know the truth. The fact the Belfast Telegraph is now writing about him and exposing the truth means his days are numbered scamming people.